iti logo Gvt. Industrial Training Institute Ramban (NCVT/SCVT) iti J7K logo
Important Note:
It is clarified for the general information that the candidates seeking admissions in the NCVT Trades (affiliated to NCVT) will be awarded National Trade Certificates by the National Council for Vocational Training, GOI on their successful qualification of ensuing All India Trade Test. While as, the candidates seeking admissions in those of the SCVT Trades (conducted by the State) will be awarded State Trade Certificates by the State Council for Vocational Training on their successful qualification of ensuring State Trade Test.
Start of Admission:
Every year in the month of June, Admission Notification is advertised in Daily News Papers of Jammu & Kashmir and whole Admission Process would be completed by July .The admission for the different trades in Govt.ITI Ramban is done for FREE, PAYMENT and IMC seats for which the Candidates have to apply on the prescribed Performa available in the Institute The Session of Training would be started on 1st of August Every year. The Training Programme runs from August to July every Year. After the Completion of Training the Candidates would appear in Final All India Trade Test in July Every year and those who qualify AITT would be awarded NCVT Certificates by Govt. of India and those who appear in State Trade test would be awarded SCVT certificates
I. For Free Seats:
The admissions for free seats will be made purely on merit based on the marks obtained by the applicants in their qualifying examination based on the minimum qualifications prescribed for the respective Trade Reservations of seats as per Training Manual of NCVT, shall be made.
II. For Payment Seats:
The admission for Payment seats shall also be made on the same procedure as laid down for free seats mentioned above. But the extra payment fee has to be deposited for payment seat in addition to fee prescribed for free seat.
III. For IMC Seats:
The admission under IMC seats is made for 20% seats only in the trades which are covered under the PPP mode scheme. The Fee structure will also be decided by the IMC for the seats in addition to the normal fee prescribed for the Free seats.
Eligibility Criteria:
• The candidate must be the permanent residents of Jammu and Kashmir State. (except for the wards of Defense Personnel for whom special sanction from the Govt. is required.)
• The lower age on 1st of August of the corresponding year should be 14 years. However, there is no upper age limit to apply for admissions in any of the Trades.
• The candidate must possess minimum educational qualification prescribed for the desired Trade/Course. (GIVEN UNDER THE TRADE DETAILS) • Those who undertake to abide by the rules/regulations of the it is
• 30% seats are available for women candidates in each trade
• There should be reservation for one seat in each trade for the SC, ST, Handicapped and Ex. Servicemen Categories
• Candidates, who have already undergone training in any of the Trades of ITIs, can apply for admissions again to other Trades 2 years after completion of previous training course. However, for the ensuing academic session their admission can be considered in any of the Trades having poor response.
• Detailed Prospectus can be loaded from the Website
Start of 2nd Shifts:
2nd Shifts in popular Trades like Electrician trade having large response have been started on self financing basis under SCVT Govt. ITI from the Session August 2009 to increase the seating capacity of these Trades as well as full utilization of Existing Infrastructure in the Institute
Fees and Payments:
Candidates selected against free seats for admission in COPA and Electrician, Trades shall be required to deposit Rs. 400/- as Admission Fee , Rs. 50/- as Student’s Welfare Fund and Rs.50/- as Caution Money (Refundable). Those selected in other Trades will have to deposit Rs. 300/- as Admission Fee , Rs. 50/- as Student’s Welfare Fund and Rs.50/- as Caution Money.
Candidates selected against payment seats in COPA and Electrician Trades shall have to deposit a fee of Rs. 3000/- besides the charges mentioned above. Those selected for other Trades against the payment seats shall deposit Rs. 1000/- besides above charges.
Candidates selected against Self Finance seats in respective trades shall have to deposit fee as applicable from time to time by the Directorate of Technical Education J&K besides above charges
Candidates selected against IMC seats in respective trades shall have to deposit fee as applicable from time to time by the IMC besides above charges
• An aptitude test would be conducted of the candidates admitted in the ITIs at the end of the second month after admission. A candidate found unsuitable for a Trade can be considered for another Trade before he/she is rejected altogether.
• The minimum compulsory attendance for trainees with regard to their eligibility for appearing in the All India Trade Test/State Test is 80% for the actual number of working days.
• Casual leave at the rate of 12 days per year for the course will be admissible to trainees subject to a maximum of 10 days at any one time.
• A candidate who is unable to attend due to illness may be allowed medical leave up 15 days. Leave for a further period not exceeding 3 weeks for 2 years training course in continuation or in addition to 15 days absence may be granted to a trainee on production of Medical Certificate.
• Trainees who are not to fit to attend the training after the leave period shall be discharged from the institute.
• A trainee who absents himself from the training for 10 consecutive days without permission and without informing the Head of the Institute about the reasons of his absence will be treated as an absconder.
• Candidates selected for admission in an ITI shall have to deposit his/her School Leaving Certificate/Discharge Certificate of the School/College last attended in original in the institute together with the admission dues within 7 days of the selection failing which the seat will be passed on to the next eligible candidate.
Reimbursement of Training Fee
Candidates belonging to SC/ST category and women will be given relaxation of 25 % in training fee. In order to motivate trainees to take the training programme seriously, training fees of all those trainees who successfully complete the training would be refunded to them.
S.No Sector Module Code Qualification Duration Training Fee Assessment Fee
1 Electrical Basic Electrical Training ELE101 8th 120 hrs Rs.1000 Rs.800
2 Electrical Repair of Home Appliances ELE202 8th+ELE101 120 hrs Rs.1000 Rs.800
3 Electrical House Wiring ELE203 8th+ELE101 120 hrs Rs.1000 Rs.800
4 Electrical Transformer Winding ELE205 8th+ELE101 120 hrs Rs.1000 Rs.800
5 Electrical Repair of AC/DC Motors ELE207 8th+ELE101 120 hrs Rs.1000 Rs.800
6 Information & Communication Technology Computer Fundamentals, MS Off. & Internet ICT 101 8th 120 hrs Rs.1000 Rs.800
7 Fabrication Basic Welding Gas FAB101 8th 120 hrs Rs.1000 Rs.800
8 Fabrication Basic Welding Gas FAB102 8th 120 hrs Rs.1000 Rs.800
SDI- MES Status in Respect of ITI RAMBAN
S.No Sector Module Code No. of Students Trained Session Sponsored Agency
1 Electrical Basic Electrical Training ELE101 20 07-05-2010 to 15-07-2010 By Inviting Applications
2 ICT Computer Fund MS off & Internet ICT101 19 20-05-2010 to 24-07-2010 By Inviting Applications
Total 39
This scheme is purely meant for the youths of Jammu and Kashmir who would get the training in the Vocational Training Providers (VTP) inside as well as Outside the state in the prestigious Institutions like L&T, NAC, ATIs. About 8000 youths are to be trained annually in different job orientated courses in VTPs located every nook and corner of country paving the way for the backward, un awared students of Jammu & Kashmir to get explored in the technical field for finding jobs in industries in the country as well as abroad. Out of 8000 youths 6000 are to be trained outside the state and remaining 2000 are to be trained inside the state. The main importance of this Scheme is that all the training expenses, Boarding/Lodging facilities are born by the Government right from the place of their residence to the VTP where the candidate would get the training.
Status of SDYJK in respect of Govt. ITI Ramban
SDYJK Inside
S.No Sector Module Code No. of Students Session
1 Electrical Basic Electrical Training ELE101 20 25-11-2010 to 31-01-2011
2 Computers CFMSOI ICT101 20 25-11-2010 to 31-01-2011
3 Computers CFMSOI ICT101 19 16-08-2011 to 24-09-2011
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