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Superintendent's Message
I congratulate to the all concerned that Govt. ITI Ramban under the aegis of Directorate of Technical Education Jammu and Kashmir has been progressing day by day and today it has become a well established Technical Institution for imparting skill Development Training in various fields like Electrical, Construction, Welding ,Plumber, Computer etc. In the era of Globalization and Industrialization ,The Students can acquire the latest as well as advanced training in above fields by the well trained & experienced staff and prosper in these sectors by getting well paid jobs in country & abroad thus fulfilling the demand of today’s generation as well of the people of area.

Therefore I advise all the young generation as well as their parents to get full benefit of Schemes in your ITI so as to transformer them from unskilled one to Skilled one by taking admission in different sectors/fields. ITI Ramban is the only Institute in this area where the Hidden technical talent of today’s young generation is really explored to make them the true tomorrow’s citizens of India.
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