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IMC Ramban
Salient Features of Scheme
• An Industry Partner (IP) is associated with each ITI .
• IP is selected by the State Government in consultation with Industry Associations.
• Institute Management Committee (IMC) is constituted/ reconstituted with IP or its representative as Chairperson.
• In IMC 4 members nominated by IP and 5 by State Govt. and Principal of ITI to be ex-officio member Secretary.
• Interest free loan of upto Rs.2.5 crore to be given directly to IMC and also to be repaid by it.
• IMC is registered as a society and entrusted task of managing the ITI. It is given financial and academic autonomy. IMC will be allowed to determine upto 20% of the   admissions.
• A Memorandum of Agreement is signed among the stake holders.
• Institute Development Plan (IDP) is prepared by IMC giving KPIs and financial requirements for next 5 years.
• IDPs are scrutinized by State Steering Committee and sent to Central Government.
• After approval of IDPs Central Govt. releases interest free loan upto Rs.2.5 crore directly to the IMC Society.
Constitution of IMC of Govt. ITI Ramban
An I.M.C. (Institute Management Committee) has been Constituted for Govt. ITI Govt. ITI Ramban vide Government of Jammu and Kashmir Order No.113-Tech Edu of 2010 Dated : 22-07-2010 issued by the Department of Technical Education, Civil Secretariat, Srinagar with the Following members. The purpose of I.M.C. is to prove the institute performance through better decision-making. Committee is providing platform to train, guide, help and advise the trainees/students of I.T.I. to enhance the capability and performance.
IMC Of Govt. ITI Ramban
S.No Name of Member Designation Name of Establishment/Office
1 Mr. Chander Mohan Chairman of the IMC GM, NHPC, SPS, Jyotipuram
2 Mr. Mudassir Shams Member Secretary of the IMC Superintendent Govt. ITI Ramban
Members nominated by Industry Partner  
3 Rajeev Jerath Vice Chairman /Member Chief Engineer, NHPC, SPS, Reasi
4 Amrish Raina Member Ex- engineer, JKPDC, BPS, Chanderkote
5 Bijoy R Nair Member DM(C), NHPC , Corporate Office, Delhi
6 Jugal Kishore Co- opted Member DM(HR) , SPS, Reasi
7 Dushyant Kumar Member AM(Tech.), NHPC, SPS, Jyotipuram
Members nominated by State Govt.  
8 Representative of D.T.E Member Directorate of Technical Education J&K
9 Deputy Director Member Directorate of Technical Education J&K
10 Deputy Director Employment Member Employment & Counseling Center Ramban
11 Anil Kumar Member Lect. Higher Secondary School Ramban
12 Manmohan Raj Member Sr Faculty Member Govt. ITIRamban
13 Student Representative Member Student Representative ITI Ramban
• To provide interest free loan of Rs. 2.5 Crore.,
• To establish National Steering Committee to guide implementation and monitoring of the scheme.
• To set up National Implementation Cell for management, monitoring & evaluation of the scheme.
• To constitute/reconstitute IMC and register it as a society.
• To set up State Steering Committee and State Implementation Cell for supervising and implementation of the scheme at State level.
• To delegate adequate administrative and financial powers to IMC.
• To ensure that vacancies of Instructors in the ITI do not exceed 10% of sanctioned strength.
• To ensure that additional posts of Instructors required by the ITI as per the IDP are filled.
• To continue to provide budget for office, administrative and other recurring expenditure.
• To nominate a representative as Chairperson of the IMC.
• To nominate four other Members on the IMC.
• To provide training to faculty members and on the job training to trainees.
• To make financial contribution.
• To contribute machinery and equipment for use of training in the ITI.
• To develop the IDP for the ITI
• To estimate skill requirement and take steps to produce graduates in the ITI accordingly
• To identify training needs of faculty and depute them for training
• To implement the scheme as per the IDP and monitor its progress
• To set up suitable mechanism to obtain feedback from trainees and industry
• To set up placement cells in the ITI to guide/help graduates in employment/self employment
• To determine admissions in the ITI upto 20%.
• Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as yearly targets for next five years
• IMCs to submit quarterly reports to the SSC
• SSC to submit consolidated report for the State
• In case of unsatisfactory performance, IMC to submit report to SSC
• SSC to forward this report to NSC with its comments and NSC to take suitable action
• Funds received to be kept in a separate Bank Account opened in a public sector Bank in the name of IMC Society
• Any other funds received by the IMC to be deposited in this bank account
• Loan to be used for the following purposes
   i) civil works upto 25%,
ii) seed money upto 50%,
iii) Machinery and Equipment,
iv) Other activities
• Loan to be repaid in 30 years with a moratorium of 10 years and thereafter payment in equal installments in 20 years
• In case of default in repayment, NSC has the power to impose penalty or take any other action
• Central Government has power to issue instructions in respect of utilisation of funds of the IMCs
• Interest free loan of Rs. 2.5 Cr. received from the Central Govt. under the Scheme.
• Income from investments & savings.
• Receipts from Industrialists in the form of funds,Tools & Machinery ,Equipmets etc
• Receipts by way of fees and charges for short term/long term training courses run by the Society in the ITI.
• Income earned by running production/ service centres by the Society in the ITI.
• Charges for consultancy services provided by the ITI.
• Grants, contributions and donations received by the Society from Govt. of India, State Govts., Public Undertaking, Private Parties or any other sources.
• Extra charges allowed to be collected by the State Govt. to the Society for any paid seats in the ITI for any training course.
Administrative Approval
All expenditure made out of the funds of the IMC Society shall have the administrative approval of the Governing Council of the IMC Society except for some contingent expenses of upto Rs. 5000/- at a time.
Financial Powers of Different Authorities of IMC Society
• Upto Rs. 15,000 : ITI Principal/Secretary,IMC Society.
• From Rs. 15,000 to Rs 10 lakh : Works and Procurement Committee of IMC Society.
• Above Rs. 10 Lakh : Governing Council of the IMC Society.
Works and Procurement Committee
• Chairperson/Vice-Chairperson IMC : Chairperson
• Member Secretary of IMC : Member
• Nominated Senior faculty member : Member
• One nominated Industry member : Member
Trade Purchase Committee
• Concerned Trade Instructor : Chairperson
• Senior Faculty Member : Member
• Store Keeper : Member : Member
• One nominated Industry member : Member
General Purchase Committee
• Senior Faculty Member : Chairperson
• Head Assistant : Member
• Store Keeper : Member
Procurement Procedure
Works (Civil/Electrical)
(i) Upto Rs 5 lakh : Limited tender enquiry - More than three tenders shall be called from Contractors registered with CG/SG/ Indian Railways /MES / Public Sector civil / elect. works organisations.
(ii) Above Rs 5 lakh :
Open tenders to be called by advertising in at least one national daily having wide circulation.
Note: IMC may take assistance from State Public Works organizations or hire consultants to assist in preparing estimates, tendering, supervision of work, clearance of bills and payments. However, the rates for different items of work shall not exceed the Scheduled rates of relevant State PWD.
Goods :
(i) Upto Rs 15,000/- each time : Prudent shopping without inviting quotation.
(ii) From Rs. 15,000/- to :
Prudent shopping by a Committee of 3 members chosen by the Works and Rs 1 lakh each time Procurement Committee
(iii) From Rs.1 lakh :
Limited tender enquiry - More than three tenders shall be called from suitable To Rs.25 lakh manufacturers/ suppliers.
(iv) Above Rs 25 lakh :
Open tenders to be called by advertising in at least one national daily having wide circulation.
Procurement of Goods On DGS&D Rates
Directorate General of Supplies & Disposal (DGS&D) rate contracted goods can be procured from suppliers. The prices to be paid for such goods shall not exceed those stipulated in the rate contract . IMC should make its own arrangement for inspection and testing of such goods where ever required.
Engaging Consultants
(i) Upto Rs 25 lakh : By calling for bids from more than three potential consultants, identified on the basis of formal / informal inquiries.
(ii) Above Rs 25 lakh:
By seeking “Expression of interest”from consultants by publishing in at least one national daily having wide circulation and then following a two bid – Technical and Financial bid, procedure.
Cheque signing authorities/Signing of Documents
• The Cheques of the Bank Account of the IMC Society should be signed by the following authorities of the Society:
• Upto Rs. 15000/- by the Member Secretary (ITI Superintendent/Principal) and one Industry member nominated by the Chairperson who is regularly available locally.
• More than Rs.15,000/- by the Member Secretary (ITI Principal) and the Chairperson of the Society.
• Financial decisions taken by the Works and Procurement Committee and Governing Council, the Member Secretary of IMC (Principal, ITI) will sign all the required documents.
S.No Name of Official Designation Qualification Mode of Appointment
1 Sh. Mudassir Shams Superintendent 12th ,Diploma Electrical Permanent
2 Sh. Man Mohan Raj Vocational Instructor (Stenography) BA,, ITI/Steno CTI in POT Permanent
3 Sh. Pervez Iqbal Vocational Instructor (Electrician) 10th, ITI/CTI Dip. Electrical Permanent
4 Sh. Mohd. Shafi Rather Vocational Instructor (Electrician) ITI/CTI Electrician Permanent
5 Sh. Abdul Majeed Vocational Instructor (Cutting & Swing) ITI (C & S) Permanent
6 Sh. Shany Koul Vocational Instructor (COPA) BCA,, MBA Academic Arrangement
7 Sh. Murari Lal Vocational Instructor (Electrician-Self Fin.) 3-yr Diploma in Electrical Engr. Academic Arrangement
8 Sh. Aijaz Ahmed Vocational Instructor (Plumber-PPP) ITI (Plumber) Academic Arrangement
9 Sh Sher Mohd. Head Assistant 10+2 Permanent
10 Sh Hadayat Ullah Sr. Assistant 10th Permanent
11 Sh.Vikrant Khajuria Junior Assistant 12th Permanent
12 Sh. Ranjeet Singh Junior Assistant 12th Permanent
13 Sh. Mohd Ayoub Workshop Attendant 10th Permanent
14 Sh Fayaz Ahmed Workshop Attendant 10th Permanent
15 Sh.Manohar Lal Orderly 5th Permanent
16 Sh Rayees Ahmed Orderly 12th Permanent
17 Sh Shams-Ud-Din Sweeper ------ Permanent
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